
Friday, April 25, 2014

March Apartment Update

It's very late this month, but the March numbers for the Houston apartment complex have arrived. Occupancy remained at 96%. Total revenue rose to $204,000, up slightly from February's $201,000. Total cash flow for the month was just over $23,000. This is the highest it's been this last November, when it hit $25,000 and almost double what it was last month. Where did the extra money come from? Rent concessions were down about 40% over February and our apartment turnovers expenses dropped from almost $4,000 to about $700. Repairs and maintenance costs and utilities costs were also lower. The property is currently running about $49,000 ahead of the budgeted profit for the year. That's good news. It almost makes me wish we weren't selling it.

Based on the numbers, it would appear the Houston area economy is turning around. Rent concessions are down, bad debt write offs have dropped, bad debt collection increased, and apartment turnover expenses  dropped sharply (meaning people aren't moving out as much).

Speaking of which, the closing date for the sale has been pushed back until mid-May for no other reason than the loan assumption process is proceeding more slowly than anyone thought. Management says all is going well and they don't foresee any material issues arising that might jeopardize the closing.

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